SkillS & Projects

Skills & Projects

I have done few Freelancing projects based on web devlopment and is looking forward to do more and infact this portfolio site is also coded and devloped by the same skills of the devlopment. This site is coded using HTML, CSS and Javascript.

I am a certified Digital Markerter and have worked in several firms based on online blogging and news. VTreviews and BTS7NEWS are some sites i have worked upon and have led the articles with good responce and results on the google search engine. I was also the Co-Founder at BTS7NEWS and had done SEO here.

I first learnt python in class 11 and 12 and made few extensive projects like Library Management System and Hospital Management System. I represented my School in many compitations with these projects and got appreciated as well, Also used python for Data Analysis intership with KPMG. Looking forward to learn more of it in the near future.

I have worked as a freelancing Graphic Designer for many startups and also for an excesting club SRMpedia and have showcased my skills. I have won the National Level designing competition named "Design Championship".